Parlance:-language used by particular group of people
2. hornswoggled:-to trick or decieve,beguile,delude,hoax,dupe
Example:- I think we've been hornswoggled by that carnival barker.
3. Impromptu:-
not prepared ahead of time : made or done without preparation
Synonyms: ad hoc, ad-lib, down and dirty, extemporary, extempore, extemporaneous, improvisational, improvised
He made an impromptu speech about honor and responsibility.
4. Vagaries--an erratic, unpredictable, or extravagant manifestation, action, or notion
Synonyms: bee, caprice, crank, fancy, freak, humor, kink, maggot
Example:- the vagaries of a rather eccentric, elderly lady.
5. Confiscated:-to take (something) away from someone especially as punishment or to enforce the law or rules
Synonyms: attach, expropriate, sequester
Example:-Guards confiscated knives and other weapons from the prisoners.
6. Badger:-a) to harass or annoy persistently
b). a type of animal that lives in the ground and has short thick legs and long claws on its front feet
She finally badgered me into cutting my hair
7. BACH:-a small house or weekend cottage.
8. Cemetery:-a place where dead people are buried
many of the soldiers who died in the battle are buried in a cemetery nearby
Synonyms: boneyard, God's acre, graveyard, memorial park
9. Filial:-of or relating to a son or daughter.
10. Careen:-to go forward quickly without control
the sled careened as it barreled down the hill
Synonyms: rock, lurch, pitch, roll, seesaw, sway.
11. Hoisting:-(a)to raise (something) especially by using ropes or machinery
(b) to raise into position
a. The steel girders were hoisted intoplace and securely welded.
b. The engine was hoisted out with a winch.
Synonyms: boost, heft, heave, jack (up), upheave.
12. Valour/valor:- courage or bravery
The soldiers received the nation's highest award for valor
Synonyms: bottle [British slang], bravery, courageousness, daring, daringness, dauntlessness
13. Evangelist:-a.)someone who talks about somethingwith great enthusiasm
(b).a person and especially a preacher who tries to convince people to become Christian
an evangelist of space exploration.
14. Smithereens:-small broken pieces : tiny bits
Sentence:-the house was blown to smithereens by the explosion.
15. Oodles:- a large amount of something
Sentence:-Oodles of data
16. Prerogative:-a right or privilege ; especially : a special right or privilege that some people have
If you'd rather sell the tickets than use them, that's your prerogative.
Synonyms: appanage
17. Pillar to post:-From one place or thing to another in rapid succession
18. Asunder:-into parts
19. Cobbles-- (a)to make (something) by putting together different parts in a quick way
(b) to make or repair (shoes)
(C) a round stone that is used in paving streets
expensive leather shoes cobbled in Italy
20. Subterfuge:-the use of tricks especially to hide, avoid, or get something
They obtained the documents by subterfuge.
Synonyms: artifice, chicane, chicanery, gamesmanship, hanky-panky, jiggery-pokery, jugglery, legerdemain, skulduggery
21. Gullet;-the tube that leads from the mouth through the throat to the stomach, esophagus
22. Insult to injury:-To exacerbate an already problematic situation in a way that is humiliating.
23. Porter:-- a person who carries burdens; especially : one employed to carry baggage for patrons at a hotel or transportation terminal
synonyms:carrier, bearer, baggage carrier, baggage bearer; Sherpa
she asked a porter to help with their bags"
24. Tandem:-(a)a group of two people or things thatwork together or are associated with each other
(b)one after or behind another
The team has a tandem of talented guards.
25. ATROPHY:-gradual loss of muscle or flesh usually because of disease or lack of use
The doctor is concerned about possible atrophy of the shoulder muscles.
26. Charred:-(of an object) become blackened as a result of partial burning
a region charred by bush fires"
27. Belch:- a) to let out air from the stomachthrough the mouth very loudly
b) to push or throw (something) out withforce
c) to eject or emit violently
a) He belched loudly, and his girlfriend said, “That's disgusting!”.
b) Smoke belched from the factory chimneys beside the river.
Synonyms: erupt, disgorge, eject, eruct, expel, jet, spew, spout, spurt
28. Demeanour:-a person's appearance and behavior : the way someone seems to be to other people
the director of the opera company has a haughty demeanor that can be irritating
Synonyms: actions, address, bearing, comportment, conduct, behavior, deportment, geste
29. Nerve-racking:-causing a person to feel very nervous
Synonyms: agitating, anxious, creepy, disquieting, distressful, distressing, disturbing, fraught, hairy, nail-biting, nerve-racking.
30. Bailiwick:-
one's sphere of operations or area of interest.
31. Gnaw:-
to bite or chew (something) repeatedly
: to make (a hole in something) by chewing
a) The dog was gnawing a bone.
b) He nervously gnawed on his fingernails.
Synonyms: bite (at), corrode, erode, fret
32. Effulgence:-radiant splendor : brilliance
the exceptional effulgence of the harvest moon is always a striking sight
Synonyms: brightness, brilliancy, candor, dazzle, brilliance, illumination, lambency.
33.logjam:- a)a situation in which a large number of logs floating down a river becometangled with each other so that furthermovement is not possible
b) a situation in which no progressseems possible
a) He was called in to try to break the logjam in the negotiations.
b) the presence of an ambulance on the side of the highway created a logjam of rubberneckers who just had to have a look
Synonyms: backup, bottleneck, jam-up, jam, snarl, tailback
34. Acreage:-land measured in acres
A large portion of the park's acreage is forest.
35. Abattoir:-a building where animals are killed for their meat; slaughterhouse
36.Guillotine:- a machine with a heavy blade that was used in the past to cut off the heads of people who had been sentenced to death
Example:- State have guillotined creative rights
37 Subtly:-a) hard to notice or see : not obvious
: clever and indirect : not showing your real purpose
b) having or showing skill at recognizing and understanding things that are not obvious
a)a subtle difference in meaningbetween the words
b) Racial discrimination still exists, only now it's subtler than it once was.
Synonyms: beguiling, cagey (alsocagy), crafty, cunning, cute, designing, devious, dodgy
38 Inadvertent:-not intended or planned
Example:-an inadvertent encounter with a rattlesnake in the brush
Synonyms: casual, chance, fluky (alsoflukey), fortuitous, accidental, incidental
39 Lodge:-a)to provide (someone) with a place to stay for a short period of time
The workers were lodged in temporary camps.
b) a local group that is part of a largerorganization
He's a member of a Masonic lodge.
Synonyms: auberge, caravansary (or caravanserai), hospice
40 Wigwam:- a round tent that was used in the past by Native Americans as a house or shelter
41 Wigwag--: to send a signal by or as if by a flag or light waved according to a code